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Plot Highlights

The Angel Leaders are all meeting to discuss the war. Read about the outcome Here!
Zombies? Undead?! No! What are these things?! They look.... Alive?! HERE.
A third oracle has died! Aerithe, oracle of Zarkos, died publically in Prerio City square of what many believe to be suffocation. Read more about it HERE.
Oh no the queen! Head over to the Enkratis packlands to find out what happened HERE.
Disaster has struck at the Shrine of Jackroth! Find out what has happened to both oracle and God HERE.

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[M] A Normal day, A Normal.... Death

NekoNay Offline


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The Eastern listened to Deimos' words with a distinct air of indifference. He hadn't missed the subtle shift of the dragon at his soft growl, his frame moving to undoubtedly protect his charge. He hadn't been able yet identify the relations between the both but it was abundantly clear to him that it was close. 

"I understand the drawback of age." For a moment, the Eastern averted his gaze, his eyes distant. "It is why I do not share all too many bonds with those of a shortened lifespan. Not that there's anything wrong with them," he was quick to amend, wary of offending the short one present, "its simply to spare me the pain later as I am sure you understand-" 

Then the Eastern paused, his eyes widening at inquiry. His calm facade was shattered, his whiskers flickering, his jaw growing slack. Did not understand what he was truly asking? 

His claws dug into the earth, his expression bordering horror and a very deep anger buried deep within.

"You ask of immortality." An ominous statement. "For him?" His eyes bore into the elf once more. "This is why we distanced ourselves from those with a lifespan of flickering candle in our eyes. They began to ask for more. They became greedy." He spat the words, appalled. "This is a secret among us. A secret and trust you must earn. The both of you." 

"And with this information, you may never be able to share. For if there is one, there are always others," a snarl. He directed his eyes back to Deimos, "Are you prepared for this? It will not be easy, I assure you."

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"I am prepared for anything if it means I won't have to lose the child. I am tired of my rider bond being passed down through his family from father to son. It's time I had a rider for good and didn't have to help raise a new one ever generation," Deimos replied. His tone very growly and protective. He wasn't going to back down. He couldn't. If he did then what would become of his quest? He had to do this for Jabari...

Orange eyes watched the eastern with care now. He wanted to make sure he wouldn't charge them. He seemed upset over their request. "And who are we to keep secrets of this? What gives you the right to judge life over who lives or dies? I am trying to save something precious and if I need to soak the earth with blood than so be it. It will be on my claws, not his. I am not afraid to do what I must for those I love. Surely you can understand that. He is a hatchling to me. My hatchling. I can't let age take him..."

The western was seemingly on edge now. He was worried about what  was to come but he had to do it. No matter the cost... He had to save him but Deimos had no idea what that price could be...

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Jabari hated the way this Eastern spoke, especially towards his bonded... the dragon that was like a father to him ever since he'd grown old enough to be paired with him. He scowled over to Jun, as he said his name was, brows furrowed together and teeth bared slightly. His fangs weren't present though, not at the moment, he needed to keep himself level headed enough for Deimos; no matter how much he wish to tell this other what was on his mind.

Though, perhaps keeping it to himself wasn't the best, but as Jabari always did, he didn't leave what he wanted unsaid. "You think just because you've immortality need not worry about age you assume beings like you can't be greedy?" he spoke up from behind Deimos, though his body stepped out slightly, "to judge those who age, huh? You're no better..."

"I don't want his for me personally... I want it for Dei. I want him to life his life without worrying about me so much..." the young man lowered his head slightly, eyes peering at the ground, "so he can have a life outside of me.."

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Jun's nostrils flared, his maw opening to no doubt rebuke Jabari's words. Yet nothing tumbled out. There was some truth to the Half-elf's words. As much as he wanted to argue against them, he knew even immortals were stirred by greed. Despite being so few, he knew they could be the most catastrophic of dangers. 

He closed his maw, exhaling angrily. For the normally composed Eastern, this seemed to be a sensitive subject. 

The compelling points from the both of them left him torn. Deimos came from a more understanding point of view. While he was still amazed by the fact a dragon claimed a mortal for his own hatchling nonetheless, there was no mistaking the seriousness of his tone and the depth of words. They struck a chord within him and he wasn't too pleased… 

"I will concede agreement with you." Jun spoke gravely. "The both of you. But these are magicks passed down within my ancestry. I cannot so easily pass down this information to those not of my clan. Let alone other species. And it is not so easily accomplished as well without dealing nefarious deeds. You must be willing to get your claws dirty." His family would surely tear his hide… if any of them still lived.

Jun pondered on it. He knew the archives contained what they desired. Was he truly… He snorted. "Prove yourself to me. Information desired is never truly easy to receive. A series of tasks if you will. Some even related to what you truly seek. What do you say?"

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"I was born without magic and through the years managed to reclaim magic for myself and a life outside of a hospital ward. I am not afraid of your challenges and I will meet them head-on with no complaints. Just tell me what I must do to save my child from the death of time," Deimos responded sounding so sure of himself and the task ahead. Maybe he was too full of himself but he wasn't about to back down now especially now that the eastern had agreed to this arrangement. Not only that but he seemed to have an answer for what they wanted- no needed. 

Deimos rolled his massive shoulders and felt himself feeling kind of tense with how the talks had been going, but now it felt as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulder. There was hope for them yet. Jabari might live after all as long as he stayed safe from others. "Just give us the word and it will be done. I am not afraid to do the unspeakable for my child."

He glanced at his child and he tilted his head. "Even if he doesn't want to, I will do the hard things. I will not taint his pure soul for my greed."

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Jabari had stayed silent for a time, listening to the older men speaking to each other, his mind wondering if any of this was even a good idea. Dei wanted it thought, and if it made him happy, well... he'd do anything for the prominent father figure in his life. The man that practically raised him from a child to the young man he was now. The young man sighed softly, eyes glancing at the ground below his feet.

Should he say something? Did he have anything to actually say at all this? Deimos was willing to sacrifice anything for Jabari to live an immortal life, even if it was only by age. He swallowed thickly, purple eyes finally looking up towards the two dragon, but just as he opened his mouth to speak another voice could be heard.

It was light, delicate, and feminine in sound; but how did someone even show up without notice? No scent, no sound, surely this female knew what she was doing. "Jun, you sweet, young little thing~" the new eastern purred lightly in her throat, her neck was soon wrapping gently around his own, "this is why you can't make friends easily dear, you're too much of a stickler~"

Her large fangs gently nipped at the other's jaw, her body was much lightly in color than Jun's own; but the two had known each other for certain. "You need to be more sensitive to the plight of others love, how can you rule if you have no empathy for others?~"

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