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Plot Highlights

The Angel Leaders are all meeting to discuss the war. Read about the outcome Here!
Zombies? Undead?! No! What are these things?! They look.... Alive?! HERE.
A third oracle has died! Aerithe, oracle of Zarkos, died publically in Prerio City square of what many believe to be suffocation. Read more about it HERE.
Oh no the queen! Head over to the Enkratis packlands to find out what happened HERE.
Disaster has struck at the Shrine of Jackroth! Find out what has happened to both oracle and God HERE.

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Wish You Were Beer

KokoPuffs Offline

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His silence was quite odd really, though having known him for all her life it was something that wasn't the most unusual; yet still jarring not hearing him talk back to her. As much as his chatting was a bit annoying at times, she also hated when he didn't talk but wast just... silent. Oh so silent in that case. Though, he probably needed to be quiet to get out of here with no one knowing, and she probably didn't help by talking to him. It wasn't like he was talking back at least, so Celestine just kind of stopped talking as well. Not because of the same reason he wasn't speaking; but what was the point of talking if the other wasn't going to talk back? Hopefully once they were on the other side of the wall it would be different.

The woman took a few steps back to look at the wall herself. It wasn't that tall in the least, but for her, no matter the size, a wall taller than her was a wall that was hard to climb up. One arm couldn't get her over, she'd have to pull herself and try to swing a leg to bring her over it if she even tried. Though, as her eyes gazed up, she couldn't help but notice how haunting the large man was; his eyes giving the eerie look to him as she hunched up there. If she didn't know any better, she would probably feel the fear rushing through her heart by now; yet she remained as calm as ever. Zo wouldn't hurt her, he probably didn't have the heart for it really.

The young woman took a deep breath in, only to let out a soft but steady sigh. With one last look at the wall, then up towards the man, she ran towards the wall, but just as she was about to come into contact with it; she used her strong legs to push herself off the ground, one foot pressing against the wall to give her a little more power going up. Soon her hand caught hold of Zo's, fingers wrapping around his to keep herself from slipping from his grip. Slowly she started to pull up with her own arm, to give a little bit of help to the large man now holding her there as she dangled. 

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He didn't want to hurt her pride, but she didn't really weigh a whole lot. Lifting her was as easy as lifting a potato fry. Trying not to show her how little effort he was using, he plopped her down atop the wall and promptly jumped down on the other side. He wasn't going to insult her prowess by holding his arms out to catch her, but if she were anyone else, he would have. 

As he waited, he tugged out the bands that bound his hair and stuffed them in a pouch at his belt. Freed, his hair drifted on the breeze. The bands were as much weights as they were hair-bands, and it kept his hair from literally being all over the place and getting tangled. In a pub, one didn't want hair that literally got everywhere. However, in the wild, away from people, Zo was more than happy to let his hair go unbound. 

Once, he tried to explain why he let his hair grow, and hit a wall. He didn't have a ready explainable reason, and he surely didn't remember when he'd started thinking that way. 

He turned, and stared up at Celeste on the wall and grinned wide, gesturing for her to hurry on up so they could disappear into the woods.

Just because he didn't want to talk didn't mean he didn't want her to be around.

KokoPuffs Offline

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Not only was Celestine rather light, but Zo was a very muscular and strong man at that; so it was really not surprise to her how easily he was able to lift her up onto the wall. It was soon after he'd jumped down onto the ground, leaving her there as she sat herself down onto the wall. She didn't really need any help getting herself down, though she sort of just watched Zo for the moment. His hair was long, yes, but she never saw anything wrong with that. He had rather lovely hair, silver in color that practically shimmered in the light. Such an exotic man, much more so than the looks of herself, but she was ok with this. Not everyone was born with such looks like Zo; the lucky bastard.

The smaller woman rolled her eyes at his grin, only to stick her tongue out at him teasingly. Though he didn't speak he could still be himself in other ways. Especially with that wide grin he'd given her way. She lightly sighed, readying herself on the edge of the wall with her one arm keeping herself steady. In a matter of seconds, she pushed herself away from the wall and dropped onto the ground; making a soft thud as both of her feel landed. She knew better than to keep her legs straight when doing something like so, so upon landing she bent her knees to keep herself from becoming injured. 

Celestine stood herself back up now, walking up next to Zo as she gave him a light pat upon his back; only to throw a soft smile his way. "Alright let's get going big guy~" she said with a light chuckle, "can't just stand around here forever, can we?" 

gabriel Offline


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Zo headed off, his long legs eating up the distance between them and the treeline. He wasn't running, instead loping, like most long legged animals are wont to do, and yet he was leaving her behind. When he reached the first tree, he leaped up to the first branch, and climbed it with apparent ease. He dropped down once she caught up and pointed. 

"There's a game trail, we're to follow that. The river does cut through the forest, but it's not for some distance. If we travel now, we can make it by day and rest alongside its banks. The side we're aiming for has seen little traffic, we shouldn't be bothered." 

Now that they weren't in town, he'd dropped using the common tongue altogether, preferring to speak to her in their tribe's dialect. He didn't look her directly in the eye and he had a way of standing that made it clear he could break into a run if he wanted. Within the forest, away from civilization, he was a wild thing.

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Ah yes, there he goes again, taking off with those long as hell legs of his while making quite the distance between them. Celestine rolled her eyes, sighed, and did her best to close the distance between he two of them; though that proved to be quite the task. She tried her best and it was all she could really do about it. Thank the gods he'd decided to climb his giant ass up a tree; giving her the opportunity to actually catch up with him. Once she was caught up, she stopped in her tracks to catch her breath. What gave him the bright idea to take off like that anyway? It was like he was a whole new man outside and away from the public. Hell, his words weren't the same either. He was using the dialect of their own tribe now; something she hadn't heard him do in quite a while really, it was almost strange to her.

"If I didn't know any better, I would say you've seen yourself around here quite often, considering how well you seem to know the land," she said with a shrug and a sigh, "that sounds well enough though, as long as we don't end up being bothered that is. If we are going to be out here and heading towards the mountains I'd rather not be disturbed by other people." 

The woman really hoped he would not break off into a run if he wanted to, that would mean she'd have to do the same if she hoped the keep a well enough distance behind him. It wasn't as if she couldn't keep up with him while running if she wanted to, but having to do was was always quite the pain. With legs like his he could take longer strides along the land with ease and very little effort. Hell, there wasn't much effort with many things he usually would do. Running around the the wilderness was certainly one of those things actually. It was something they use to do rather often really, most of the time when she was younger. Just being out here along the trees gave her a sense of nostalgia for those times. 

With a light sigh, she stepped her way passed him and took a few steps away; stopping just a few feet away from him as she placed her hands upon her hips. This was refreshing for her, the small of the wild and the fresh air the surrounded her. It almost put her at ease, though keeping some wit about her of course. "Well, if we want to get there by day, then I suppose we better start making some tracks, right?" she glanced back at him with a soft smile, "as long as you make it to where I can keep up well enough that is." 

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With Celestine on board, Zo led the way, happy to trot off the trail to inspect this or that. The walk was uneventful, but far from quiet. All around them were the sounds of the forest's denizens going about their lives. Delighted, Zo stopped to watch ant trails, and track the passage of a particularly bright bird. Though, despite his meandering, the sound of the river became louder while the sun was still in the sky. 

Thoughtlessly, Zo plunged into the cool waters, and swam to the other side, tramping up a slight incline to a little used cave. Celestine was right in assuming he knew the place well. This was where Zo had gone after every trip to the city, to be by himself and enjoy life without humanoids. He settled down on his stomach, legs spread out behind him, his chin propped up on his arms. 

"I didn't spend much quality time with you. Mostly I popped in and out of your life, teaching you little things and checking up on you." 

He tilted his head, mashing one side of his face into his bicep, one pale eye trained on her. 

"The truth is, I enjoy making people happy... but I also can't stand to be around them." 

Because he spoke in their clan's language, there wasn't the colorful colloquial country sound to his words, making him sound every bit the Iyarai warrior he was. 

"I suppose that's also why I didn't spend too much time with the clan. I really don't understand it." 

Half a grin widened on his face, the other half buried against his arm. "That's ok, though. I don't mind this."

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Celestine didn't really mind how the man trotted of the trail, looking at this and that, or whatever else peeked his interest. It was kind of adorable to watch really, this large man roaming about just taking in everything and anything he could see. This also made it quite easy for her to keep up with his pace as well. His longer strides were always hard to keep up with, even if he own legs were long as well. Once they reached the river, she was quite surprised on how he just simply threw himself into the waters; causing the young woman to frown a little bit as he did so. Well, no point in just standing on the edge while he had already crossed; into a cave as well. There was no doubt in her mind now that he knew this place quite well, strange man that he was.

Unlike him, she moved a little slowly into the water, it's cool temperature surrounding her warmer body; causing her to shiver slightly at the feeling of it. He'd made it over much quicker than herself, who was taking a bit more time than he had; yet in no time she was already across and making her way into the little cave as well. It was cozy enough, but her body shivered lightly considering she was now wet. The night would bring cooler temperatures as well, especially if it were to ever start raining as the clouds threatened to do. 

The woman sighed lightly as she sat herself down, hands working away at her boots as she practically peeled them of her legs. No use in wearing soaking wet shoes, at least for her that is, she couldn't quite understand how zo could easily lay there in wet clothing. Oh well, that was his choice, and if she could she'd be peeling out of the rest of her clothing. It would be more than embarrassing with that, so she opted just to leave everything else on instead. 

"I know you didn't, but that's not the point really," she sighed softly, "it was nice having you around when you were there, even if it was only just popping in and out. You taught me more than I remember my parents doing." The woman chuckled lightly, though it was true enough really. Her style of fighting was a bit like his, but mixed with the more elegant ways he mother and father had taught her. 

A small chuckle came from the woman, a soft smile following behind it as she pulled her legs up against her chest; arms wrapping around them delicately. "It.. makes sense in a way honestly, I mean.. you can enjoy making others and not like to be around them. Hell, I don't like being around people myself mostly," she sighed softly, "though I'm sure you know that already, it's nothing I try to hide really. The clan and you I don't mind being around as much, though I do enjoy spending more time with you though. Even if you are nothing more than a giant dork." 

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