

We're undergoing a giant revamp! While things may be quiet and will take months of work, the site will be continuing under a sandbox until staff can roll out all the new changes. Join our Discord to catch some sneak peaks! (March 16, 2020)

Plot Highlights

The Angel Leaders are all meeting to discuss the war. Read about the outcome Here!
Zombies? Undead?! No! What are these things?! They look.... Alive?! HERE.
A third oracle has died! Aerithe, oracle of Zarkos, died publically in Prerio City square of what many believe to be suffocation. Read more about it HERE.
Oh no the queen! Head over to the Enkratis packlands to find out what happened HERE.
Disaster has struck at the Shrine of Jackroth! Find out what has happened to both oracle and God HERE.

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[M] Until Silence Is Broken

Andromeda Offline


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Razor nodded. "Yes setting up camp is the best option for you. Let's do that first and then I will depart briefly," he replied as he motioned for her to follow him. He led her to a part of the beach that had trees just near the shore and a small strip of sand. The sand was shaded by the trees so it wouldn't be too hot for anyone to just rest there. Warm, but not hot... perhaps more of a lukewarm if he had to guess. 

He pulled out a stone from his pocket and smashed it in his hand. The magic around them shimmered and a lean over, wood, and small things one would need to spend the night appeared on the sand. As he let the dust of the magical stone fall to the ground, he walked over to the woman and handed her a gem. "This gem will let me know if you need me as well as hide you presence from others. Keep it close to you," he said softly. "Will  you be okay here?"

Achera Offline


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Lia followed Razor with a small hop in her step and bags in tow. It wasn't long before she could see the bright sands of the beach complimenting the shining waves of the sea. A small "eeee" escaped as the sunlight reflected off the sand to provide a near blinding sight. The girl was so enthralled with the warmth and sight of everything around her that she paid little mind to what Razor had been doing behind her. The girl dropped her bags and walked out a few paces out into the sunlight. Her head tilted back as her arms rested a little away from her body with her palms up to let the sunlight soak into her skin.

It felt like so peaceful, so quiet in this moment. The girl was at peace, until she heard the sound of her lover behind her. The voice that called to her shot her back to reality and brought the girl around to face him. Lia took the gem in hand and nodded in response. "I will be perfectly fine here," she cooed as she took a step closer to him. "Now go to work. I'll be perfectly safe right here, okay?" Lia smiled before leaning in for a quick kiss. "Don't worry about me. I have everything I need."

Andromeda Offline


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(Time skipped for two to three hours upon Razor's return from other thread)

Razor came back looking annoyed and shook his head. He couldn't believe the request- no the daringness of that angel to ask him to leave his homeland just so the war would end. Why did demons have to go? Angels could leave just as easily, but the chose not to. No. He wouldn't abandon his home, the land he had lost his first mate, the land he had found love, the land his people had died on just because some bitch asked him to. There were many ways to win a war, and the one she proposed was not one he was going to take. His amber eyes were harder than steel as he walked along the beach. 

Along that beach he found himself at was his new mate. She sat under an umbrella eating grapes and it brought a small smile to his lips. He couldn't leave his homeland. He had too much at stake and too much on the way with promises of love to leave. He would have another heir soon and then the tide would turn. It had already begun. The angel's time was counting down.

"Lia," he called out to her. "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting my dear."

Achera Offline


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It had felt as if time had gone too fast. From the moment the king had left to now had almost been too short. Lia barely had gotten through a few pages of her book before she started to pull out some of her paper and charcoal to draw mindlessly while the wind blew through her hair. Her feet were buried into the sand as she doodled on, only breaking every so often to pick a few grapes from her snack pack while she waited for his return.

The calming sound of the water as it crashed along the shore mixed with the feel of the wind and sun against her skin was all the woman could ever ask for. It wasn't long before she heard her new mate's voice carrying on the wind she so desperately enjoyed. Lia looked up from her doodles with a beaming smile from ear to ear. "Razor, my dear! You are back so soon!" she exclaimed as she looked to him. It didn't take long for her to notice the unsettling aura around him as if he were mad. Her smile quickly faded as her eyes filled with concern.

"Are you alright sweetheart?"

Andromeda Offline


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Razor smiled at her trying to reassure her everything was okay. "I am afraid angels still don't know when to quit is all," he said as he pulled her into a warm hug. He inhaled her scent using it as an achor trying to find his balance in the world. "Are you ready to go home or would you like to stay here a while longer?"

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Lia nuzzled into his shoulder as she embraced her lover with a tight hug in response. "They have never learned when enough is enough," she commented as she nuzzled him once more, slowly rolling her head up to rest her chin against his chest as she looked up at him. "Can we stay here? Just a little longer? I want to spend time with you rather than rush off back home." Her eyes opened a bit larger as she pushed her lower lip out into a small pout. How could she leave now when he just arrived? Together, out here in his territory. This was bliss. It was all she wanted.

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He watched her pout at him and sighed kissing the top of her head. "Of course," he said softly. "We can stay here for a bit longer but what possibly can you want to do even do here on this stranded piece of land? No one is here, and there are not stores or anything. It is completely untouched or is that what you like the most about it? The wild and untamed aspect of it?"

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